Week 02: Animation Blocking
February 02, 2024
I officially started the project this week by organizing the project, gathering assets, and blocking simple animation.
Houdini Rock Generator Tutorial - Generate Photorealistic Rocks for Games or Film
by renderBucket
by Binh Le - CUBEBRUSH
I. Ground Building
I also decided to procedurally develop the look of the ground’s bricks by testing some nodes in the Attribute VOP, so that each brick appears uniquely with a high amount of detail. On top of that, I will try to implement some optimization to reduce the poly count in order to not overload the project and the simulation itself, as well as save me a large amount of render time yet reserve the photo-real appearance of the bricks.
I took a procedural approach to build the ground, where the hero effect will be simulated on. Thus, I would like to have as much as control as I can to make any adjustment needed along the way. Here are some controls I have gathered from the network, which will be developed furthermore in future progress.
II. Animation Blocking
After import the camera I have set up in Solaris back to Object Network, I blocked out the animation of the Quinjet by mimicking the reference frame by frame with some adjustment in the animation editor.
III. Render Set Up
Learning from my personal experience doing a big scale project, I decided to organize my project strictly from the beginning to make the progress much easier and less time-consuming diving in spaghetti networks. Here is the basic set up of my layout and render setting in Solaris.